Effect & Functionin the Industry
Mode of action
The technology principle of the effect and function of the Sialex®Ring is the so-called electrical frequency modulation.
Strongly simplified, it can be said that every material, and thus correspondingly also every element and every molecule has its own, very individual and specific molecular natural oscillation (comparable to the uniqueness of a fingerprint).Accordingly, deposits such as lime and rust also have their very specific molecular natural oscillation.
Phoenix Ring Manufaktur has succeeded in both measuring and storing these molecular natural oscillations and generating a new so-called effective oscillations from them, that are applied to a carrier material (in this case the Sialex®Ring). This is done by our proprietary Sialex®Process, a manufacturing process to turn a simple “metal ring” into a next generation water treatment device.
Installed on the water pipe, the natural molecule oscillation of the “Ring” is introduced into the water overlaying with the natural oscillation of the substances to be treated, such as lime and/or rust, this effect is what we called the Sialex®Effect.
As a result of the Sialex®Effect, changes in the behavior of the substances present in the water occur and some dissolved solids in the water do not precipitate over the pipe or equipment’s wall; that it’s no fouling is produced when water for example is heated.
Many users can observe a favored formation of anti-corrosion layers (colloquially also called “hammer blow”) on certain steels. Likewise, with Sialex®Rings, certain types of fouling compounds like calcium and magnesium carbonate can remain dissolved in the water for longer and thus minimize the formation of carbonate deposits, rust and a breakdown of existing layers, washing them away with the flowing water. This can be easily recognized by a distinct milky-red coloration of the water.
As a rule, there is a gradual elimination of calcium and magnesium carbonate deposits, rust and also a decrease of biofouling and some types of corrosion.
Also is possible to use the measurement of the conductivity of water that will behave in the same way as the TDS changes above mentioned.
The changes achieved in this way are numerous:
In the case of low-alloy steels corrosion (Fe2O3), Sialex®Ring favored formation of anti-corrosion layers of Fe3O4 a benign form the iron oxide. In many cases, Sialex®Ring can also minimize the formation of new rust and break down existing rust layers, washing them away with the flowing water.
Depending on the flow rate and thereby the flow velocity of the water, this process can decrease more or less quickly.
In the case of preventing lime, deposits, the Sialex®Ring creates conditions under which Ca(HCO3)2 (calcium hydrogen carbonate) can be deposited in the water as a crystal and not over valves, pipe walls, surfaces of other components and equipment as solid CaCO3 (calcite).
In other words, the lime dissolved in the water will not adhere or crystallize over the pipe walls or surface of other water-bearing equipment due to its structure (aragonite). Alternatively, it has already formed corresponding crystals in the water, which prevent recrystallization.
In addition, the Sialex®Ring works positively within the so-called lime-carbonic acid equilibrium to break down existing deposits (lime dissolution).
How does the effect manifest itself concretely in the industrial environment?
Basically, we can say that the effect in this area can be seen more clearly than in the private household sector. In the private sector, pipes are not usually opened for cost reasons in order to be able to determine a before/after comparison, for example. Therefore, one often relies on subjective perceptions.
In the industrial sector, this is almost completely out of the question, because in many cases our customers have a very clear history or even reliable possibilities to check the effect of the systems used on site.
In this context, one often speaks of “monitoring”.
In the following, we would like to give you an example of one or the other method, how you can determine the effect in your application very concretely:
Visual assessment
“Seeing is believing” – Visual inspection (e.g. by before/after photos) is still incredibly important. However, it is usually not possible to open machines and systems to visually record the changes or compare them with previous openings. In this case, the installation of the Sialex®Rings can be carried out in coordination with a short-term machine shutdown stop or maintenance of the plant that has been announced anyway. Possible on-site tests are therefore often coordinated with these opening intervals.
TDS – Total Dissolved Solids
Continuous monitoring of total dissolved solids (TDS) is an extremely reliable monitoring method. If there are existing deposits in the system, this value will increase significantly immediately after the installation of the Sialex®Rings. The reason for this is that the deposits are loosened by Sialex® and flushed out. An absolutely typical course is therefore that the TDS value first rises, then drops again significantly and then remains stable at a very low level.
Also is possible to use the measurement of the conductivity of water that will behave in the same way as the TDS changes above mentioned.
Comparison of maintenance intervals on water-bearing machines or water pipes
A very common way to check the performance of Sialex®Rings is to compare historical data of maintenance intervals before and after the use of Sialex®Rings. In the initial phase, there is an increase in maintenance intervals with a significantly high number of applications – due to the necessity of the cleaning of loosening deposits – but then they drop to a level where, in some cases, no maintenance needs to be carry out chemical – mechanical equipment´s cleaning at all for very long periods of time.
Elimination or drastic reduction of chemical for water treatment
Frequently, the use of Sialex®results in a significant reduction of chemicals for water treatment. In many cases, additional water treatment agents can even be dispensed completely.
Other ways to determine the effectiveness of the systems in your industrial operation would also be to monitor energy consumption or chemically analyze the water after installation and look the values of TDS, conductivity for example. The increase in these values gives a clear indication of the positive effect.
Economic impact of Sialex®Rings the industry?
In an industrial steam boiler, for example 1 mm of lime scale reduction means a decrease of the fuel consumption of approximate 10% and CO2 emissions reduction between 3 -10%.
In a recirculating cooling tower can be economized approximately 285 kg/ month of scale inhibitor for a cooling system of 6440 m3/h.
An increase of the combustion efficiency in transport equipment like trucks and thus a reduction of approximately 40% in CO2, CO, HC and NOx emissions do to a greater precipitation of the emulsified and free water as well as particles and other foreign matter present in the fuels of different qualities.

You want to try Sialex®
We have a special trial offer for you.
We would also be happy to work out – with client’s support – an initial project plan, including a test period, tailored to the individual needs, which are specifically and individually available at your location. Talk to us or to our partners directly.